As I return from the fair with my family after bedding down the pens for our animals to be taken to the fair in the morning, I am realizing what I really need to make sure I have handy for the fair. Those 10 things every 4-H mom needs during fair week.
We are taking our lovely heifers and pigs to the fair tomorrow. Another fair is upon us. I have always counted down the days of summer till fair got here. Growing up, it was always around corn tasseling time. I smiled this past weekend as I saw corn starting to tassel. Yep, it is time.
I can tell you it is way different being a 4-H parent opposed to a 4-Her. I seriously don't know how my parents lived. Or rather, how we lived through the 18 years of fairs without our mom or dad murdering us.
As I start to prepare for the week, yes, this is 11th-hour preparation, I realize new 4-H moms may be going into this blind. So, here are the essentials...The 10 things every 4-H Mom needs.
What do I need to take to the 4-H Fair?
Looking for all the county fair essentials including cattle grooming tools? Checkout my Fair Supplies Store!
10. Lawn Chairs that you can get the smell of shit out of after the fair. Trust me, the next ball game or picnic you go to after the fair, the chairs will still have fair aromas. Trust me you are going to need a nap and will want lawn chairs.
9. Plastic totes. Large ones that you can pack clothes or snacks or show supplies in. The beautiful thing about totes is you can carry them home at night, dump them out and repack for the next day. You will want large ones and small ones. Just invest in a bunch of them.
8. Paper towels AND baby wipes or Clorox wipes. You will go through 28 rolls of paper towels. You will be wiping butts, cleaning ears, and swiping noses as your kids take their animals in the show ring. And then you will have to also clean your kid's face up after you get that animal cleaned up.
7. Cases of water. And Gatorade. Or Body Armour. And Red Bull. Dude, we are running on pure adrenaline until we aren't. You need to keep everyone hydrated.
6. Spray bottles. Like the good ones Sullivans sell. Seriously. Buy seven of them. The animals will be hot. The kids will need a good old fashion water fight at some point too.
5. Desitin. Yes, you read that right. Diaper Rash Cream. Needed. Someone at some point, regardless of gender, is going to be chafed in their private areas. Be prepared.
4. Rubber Boots. You might as well just get rubbered up. You will end up in the wash racks at some point. While your flip flops hose off, you will damage your foot at some point. Just get your self a paper of rubber boots.
3. Magazines. Once your showing is done or while you wait for your day to come, you will have a lot of downtimes. Might as well catch up on some reading.
2. Advil. Tylenol. Excedrin. Just have it ready. You or someone you know will need it. Every. Single. Day.
1. A whole lot of money. Every single year I bring all this food and all my kids want to do is eat at the church tent. Seriously, open a tab or just start throwing 20s towards your kid. It will be less frustrating for you all.
And if your fair allows booze, I don't want to hear about it. I live in dry fair state Indiana.
But, really, this is my favorite time of the year. And hopefully I am not doing all this for me and my kids are loving every second of this as well.
Needing to keep your family fed during the county fair too? Here are some of our favorite homemade eats at the county fair.
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- Peanut Butter Overnight Oats - High Protein Breakfast Recipe - January 20, 2025
- Smoking Brisket on the Big Green Egg: A Step-by-Step Guide to Smoked Brisket Recipe - January 2, 2025
- Mini Turkey Pot Pies that Rescue Your Thanksgiving Leftovers - December 8, 2024
Word. Great job!
R. Schumacher
This article made me smile. I was a girl's 4-H dropout and was never brave enough to do the animal thing. My family and I loved coming to the fair when you were a kid, to watch you and your siblings show your animals. I always knew it was a huge undertaking and I can't believe you and your folks lived through it!!! Thanks for the memories.
Totes are great, even better if wheels or a cart to put them on. At the end of a long day everyone's arms are tired. At our fair we are not allowed to park next to the barns.
Tracy Glassel
Family two way radios. Makes it handy to keep track of the kids, everybody's kids. A good first aid kit with pepto,maylox,benadryl if you have girls their monthly supplies. Extra feed for all critters. Lots of garden hoses that you won't care if they get lost. A very large coffee cup or iced tea glass. Every drop cord at your house and cell phone chargers. Anything else you think you might need and are to cheap to buy from the vendors. Zip ties in lots of sizes,duct tape.
I am loving your post, we just finished County fair and are headed to state. These are some great tips, some we are already doing some we aren't. I am for sure going to try desitin!
This is my food tip, you can make this sandwich and it will keep for several days in the fridge because of the cream cheese. I use 3 of the small skinny loaves from wal-mart. My family is already asking for me to make it again at state fair.