A working mom’s gourmet dinner

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I get asked how I find time to blog about cooking as a working mom. Well, most of the time I am cooking supper, so I might as well grab some photos and share my recipes. And I now have a virtual index of my favorite recipes. Plus, I really love to cook. Hate dishes. Love cooking.

But, don’t be fooled. Some nights I don’t want to cook. And we live 10 miles from town so it isn’t worth driving to town to eat out. So, behold my gourmet supper for my kids and me.

Working moms gourmet dinner

Both are microwavable. Both are able to be eating out of the container they are cooked in. Both are ready in less than five minutes. Oh and the nanny actually “cooked” for the kids as I watched. Some nights I am too brain dead to push buttons on a microwave I guess. Yeah, I am pathetic.

Working moms gourmet dinner


Working moms gourmet dinner

Both look like they are one molecule away from plastic. Both lack a rich flavor. Both leave you wanting something more.

Both served as supper. Not always fancy, but everyone is fed.

Oh the life of a working mom. Please tell me I am not the only one who considers this supper.

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  1. You are NOT the only one who thinks this, and there is nutritional value in these meals! Too much of anything is bad, but a little bit of everything is absolutely OK!

  2. At least you ate with your kids – I left mine at home with a frozen pizza for them to fix themselves while Chris and I went to the local bar for Taco Tuesday!

  3. My kids had some Phineus and Ferb mac-n-cheese tonight with supper. Sometimes that is just the way it is!

  4. I've had that for dinner many times. Not any more as I'm not working and have time to cook most nights and when I don't feel like it, we finally live in town and can call Village Pizza. I completely get it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Thank you for sharing you can love to cook but it doesn't happen every night. Love "one molecule away from plastic." Found you through Bloggy moms


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