Duck Mac and Cheese

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I am a sucker for macaroni and cheese. OK, let’s face it, I am sucker for any comfort food. So when Tina over at Mom’s Crazy Cooking announced a crazy cooking challenge for mac and cheese, I knew I couldn’t miss it. Duck mac and cheese. Who could’ve guessed that!

The challenge…which mac and cheese recipe to do. The easy mac, the stove top velveeta laden, the baked spicy, the triple mac, or do I try something brand new???

I bring you brand new. First time ever. Well, for me. We had to clean rearrange the freezer this weekend to get some freezer beef in it. I found I had some unused duck from my friends at Maple Leaf Farms.

So, I bring you duck mac and cheese.

I started with a half duck that had been roasted in sitting patiently in the freezer for me.

It came shrink wrapped which made my quick defrost in the microwave easy.

When it was thawed, I removed the bones and cut up the duck. I also removed most of the skin.

At the same time I got cooking my pasta. I used a whole grain penne, but use whatever you have. This box was a little shy of a full pound.

I add salt to the water when I cook pasta. I love salt. I can’t help my self.

Then I toss the cubed duck in a skillet with about a quarter of onion and 2 chopped cloves of garlic. Cook until duck is completely heated and onions are soft.

Remove from the pan and let set. But the remnants in the pan are too good to not use, so pour about 1/4 a cup of broth or wine into the skillet to soften it all up.

Then grab a can of evaporated milk and pour right into skillet with all the yummy goodness that you just softened up.

Then add about 1 1/2 cups of swiss cheese. More if you would like. Extra cheese won’t hurt anyone!


Go ahead and add about 1 tablespoon of parsley, a teaspoon or two of salt, and about 1/2 teaspoon of white pepper.  Add another cup of regular milk. When the milk and cheese just begin to boil (you better be stirring the whole time), add the duck and onions.

Now, when your pasta was done cooking, you should just pour it into a butter casserole dish.

Then it is ready to have the duck and cheese sauce poured over top. Stir together.

Go grate another 1/2 cup of Swiss cheese. Sprinkle over top.

Then bake it for about 25-30 minutes.

Expect to love it. Duck might be my new bacon. Loved this. Go ahead, peel off a piece of penne from the top before you serve your family…you know I did:) Hope you love this duck mac and cheese!

Want to check out more delicious mac and cheese recipes and vote for mine to be your favorite? Go visit Mom’s Crazy Cooking Challenge.


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  1. It's been years since I had duck – I bet this makes for an absolutely scrumptious and memorable dish. Lovely Mac & Cheese recipe and post.

  2. never had duck in mac and cheese. Sound good!

    Are those Aldi labels I see? hee hee

    Stopping by from the MACARONI & CHEESE Linky Party through Moms Crazy Cooking

  3. Ok this is defiantly not something i would picture together, but i would be a first for both! mac and cheese (never had) and duck…. well just let say i had it once but it has been way to long to remember what it tasted like!

    Hope to see you soon!

  4. Good Grief! I didn't know there were so many ways to make mac and cheese. And here I am ready to make yet another version this week for my GP recipes! I think we need to take a variety of mac and cheese dishes to Leontien! Never had mac and cheese? and she has a dairy? Time to introduce her to carb and cheese overload! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hope to see you Wednesday!

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