Farm Family Memories at Christmas

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This Christmas I was given a gift that will be my most treasured for years to come. My paternal Grandfather is 95. His parents came to America in 1901. A strong, German-Lutheran family that turned some swamp lands of east central Illinois into their family farm.

It was a farm that would be considered a poly-culture by those wanting to return to the way we farmed 100 years ago. Simply means they had pigs, cows, chickens, sheep, horses, corn, oats or barley, hay, vegetables, and much more. Over the last 100 years the same farm now has a few hundred feeder cattle, corn, soybeans and wheat all being grown by my brother.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

And when you have a farm like the above farm, you have to have a family that looks like this one.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

Yes, count them. 13 children and two parents who are still married to one another. At the time of this picture, my grandpa (far left) was still in the army. There was a little war going on at the time. The second world war. Most of his brothers were farmers or preachers.

My Great-Grandmother raised poultry. Even 80 years ago farmers were trying to find better ways for raising their livestock.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

Well, recently grandpa told me about how he met my grandma. He was older (in his twenties) and his family thought he would be a bachelor all of his life. He had taken his mother to town to buy groceries for his sister, Anna, who had just had twins (I believe). When they returned from town, he helped his mother carry the groceries into Anna’s home. There in the kitchen stood my future grandmother. She had been helping Anna with the babies as well. The rest is history. They soon had their brood.

Farm Family memories at Christmas
Farm Family memories at Christmas

After the war, Grandpa returned back to the farm.

Farm Family memories at Christmas


Farm Family memories at Christmas

My Dad wanted to grow up to be a farmer too. He didn’t farm full time, but became a large animal veterinarian to work with farmers raising animals that would be food for us all to eat.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

That genetic tendency was passed on to my brother. And he did take over my Grandpa’s farm. Lives in the same house pictured above.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

I got a feeling his son will grow up to be a farmer too. It is genetic. You can’t escape it once it is in you. It isn’t a job for these men, it is truly their passion.

I spent many afternoons begging for tractor rides.

Farm Family memories at Christmas


Farm Family memories at Christmas

But, what I loved was just time at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. I loved Christmas at their house.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

I remember them giving us way more presents than any kid needed, but the ones I remember the most. Sugar coated cereal wrapped up under the tree. Yeah, I longed for the day I could have a box of Lucky Charms at my house. I think I have three in our pantry now. I guess lack of sugar coated cereals has made me lose control as an adult.

Like any good German, Lutheran home, we sometimes dressed the part.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

And family time was always important. I only have one cousin, so it was natural for all of us to be close. Especially close at our grandparent’s home. Piling on top of Grandpa in his chair.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

Celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

And at all of our weddings.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

I am just so blessed to have my kids have the opportunity to know their Great-Grandpa.

Farm Family memories at Christmas

I feel honored to have great role models of what it means to stay true to your marriage. While, I have also learned that early on my grandparents agreed that grandma would tend to the house and grandpa to the farm, they were always a team. When we lost grandma nearly 15 years ago, Grandpa was lost in the kitchen. Maybe he should have paid a bit more attention to what she was doing all those years. After 50 years you would think he would have learned something. But, they were a team.

Farm Family memories at Christmas
Farm Family memories at Christmas
Farm Family memories at Christmas


Farm Family memories at Christmas

I am proud of my past. Proud of how not only has our family changed but also our farm. We have transformed our farm to not just feed our family and need 13 kids to help run the farm to feeding hundreds of people every year by the hands of one farmer, my brother.

So, next time you hear about how the American farmer needs to change how they are raising food, remember what that means. I am not against romanticizing about yesteryear, but I am not signing up to give birth to 13 kids anytime soon. I would rather embrace change and technology to feed more people on less, just like my Great-Grandmother did with her chicken raising back in the day.

Find other great women who love their family’s farm traditions through Real Farmwives of America & Friends. Click on the badge below to meet my friend Heather, who is hosting the Real Farmwives Series.

Farm Family memories at Christmas
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  1. What a great family history! LOVE all the pics! Cissna Park is due west of us. Only one cousin out of all the other 12? Dad is the last of 9, and my brother and I have 14 cousins ranging from 68 to 47 (now!). ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a Happy New Year my friend. I want to hear about that new lens you were thinking about. Maybe our gathering on the 20th should be called "Working with Your Camera and Lens 101"


  2. The history of farm families sure runs deep. Every generation has a few very passionate farmers that would give all to do just what they are doing. Breaking ground in the spring dirt smells so good and corn growing in the summer you just don't forget those smells.
    Happy New Year to you and your Farm Family

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. This is an awesome post complete with awesome photos that remind me very much of my Swedish, Lutheran roots. My grandfather was one of eight and he too married late in his twenties and ran his farm and home much like your grandparents. Thanks again for sharing.

  4. wow, very cool blog you have here. Love your post about your history and the history of your farm. I always wanted to live on a farm, my husbands degree is in agriculture and dreams of living like that someday…but until then, we'll read blogs about farm life ๐Ÿ™‚

    New Follower, glad I found your blog!
    Happy New Year to you and your family ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I loved looking back on your family history. I lived in Ill. in the 80's & 90's but it was so nice to see the land before that time. I believe people were true hard working families then. So much has been commercialized now & the machines take everything from the fields & leave very little for wildlife as the bible says we are to do. It's good to hear about down home living that your family does because they love it & respect the land. Thanks for sharing.

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