Happy 6th Birthday Boo!
I swear I blinked and this baby turned 6.
How did this happen? Seriously?? I felt like I was just 24 years old, about 9 months into my marriage, and bringing him into the world. How did he grow up already?
Anyone want to guess his birthday theme? Anyone? I bet you can’t guess!
I know, you are shocked to see Batman.
Grandma even found a Batman candle. Now, that is near heaven for this boy.
Somehow people got the memo that he was into legos. Oh, yeah of course Mindy would know since she gets stuck playing them everyday after they get home from school. Another reason we love our Mindy.
And cash is beginning to be kinda a big deal. And he has figured out bigger numbers mean bigger bucks!
So, I had zhu zhu pet ninja house thingers ready for his birthday. Then he pulls the I really want a DSi because I love playing it when I go to Mindy’s house. Great…mommy guilt. I caved. I bought it. I should have mommy bonus points till at least summer.
Of course there was plenty of cake and ice cream. And of course the little princess had to have pink ice cream with a pink cone to match her pink dress. Yes the same pink dress she wears for any special occasion.
So, am I nutso for buying my new 6 year old a DSi?
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Nope! Cole got his when he was 6! I don't think there is anything wrong with them – you made his birthday isn't that what counts?
If it works for him and your family life, then that is what counts.
Happy Birthday!!!
It only happens once a year!!! Enjoy don't feel guilty
Happy Birthday Boo! And, no, you are not nutso.
They do grow up so fast, don't they!! Found you on Makin' Me Crazy Monday! I'm following you and would love for you check out my blog and follow me back! ๐
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NOPE! Our six-year-old doesn't always realize the benefits of having an eight-year-old sister. Santa delivered two to our house, and they are awesome! The girls really love playing with the picture feature, but be prepared to have your face and other parts distorted to high heaven! Enjoy! You really should be good to go until summer, unless Princess gets a bee in her bonnet that she needs a DSi too! Be prepared for it!
Happy Birthday! Looks like he had a really great time.