How to make your own printable recipe card

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I have gotten a few questions on how to make the printable recipe card that I put at the bottom of my recipes. Now granted, you can just click the printer friendly button to my posts as well, but my recipes aren’t alway concise in the post.

So, be ready to be awed. Not really. More in shock at the simplistic non-html code knowing way of doing it.

Start by having a word or wordperfect or some kind of word processor program to write your recipe in. Download my template here.

Now, the trick to making this is making the word document into an image. I use a program called Jing. With Jing, you capture what you see. You don’t have to capture your whole desk top. You begin by clicking on Jing’s happy always ready sun icon. I have mine at the top of my screen. I just roll my cursor over the sun and the capture arm pops out. Go download Jing now.

How to make a printable recipe card

OK, back to your word template. Type in your title on the top. Add your blog badge to the top somewhere. Add your blog url down in the text box down at the bottom right. That way people who print your recipes know where to go for more. Then add your ingredients.

Once you have all the information in the template. Hit save. Just to be safe. Then click on view, full page view. Once this screen view appears, make sure you are one page view by clicking on the view options arrow up in the top right corner by the close button. So, essentially you want this to card to be as big as you can without any of it floating below the bottom of the page.

Time to capture. Activate Jing by rolling the cursor over the sun. You will see a cross pop out in a circle on the left side. Click on this and then drag the area, much like cropping, to the size of your card. Click on capture at the bottom and then save it.

Insert the captured image just like a picture.


How to make a printable recipe card

Let me know if you have any questions. I am more than happy to help! If you can’t get the template to download, leave your email in my comments, and I will email it to you.

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  1. OH THANK YOU!!!! I have not taken the time to truly figure this out until right now! May have to ask our fav. bloggy guru wizard if I can get on the list to have my own badge, but at least now I can put my recipes in a nice orderly package!

  2. I am SO glad you posted about this! I was going to ask you myself! I'm sure I'll have a few questions for you once I try it myself….thank you!

  3. This is GREAT! I've just been linking people to my sparkrecipes cookbook….this is soooo much better. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

  4. Miss Cris was helping me with this…but I never got it done and now that I have your tutorial, I'll do it. Fantastic. Thanks much Miss Leah!

  5. For some reason, nothing happens when I click on the download button in Scribd. Help, please!

  6. LOVE the template, been looking all over the web for HOW to do this and voila! Thank you so very much! But I really can’t afford to subscribe to Scribd so can you email it to me please?

    Thanks again,

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