Hunk of Meat Monday: Beef Enchiladas – Homemade Sauce!

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Whenever I cook up a roast, I always have leftover meat that I want to do something with other than the same meal as leftovers. With the BBQ beef, I always think the flavors meld well with Mexican cuisine. So, enchiladas were in our future.

Now, let me be honest. This isn’t my recipe. It is the PW’s Simple Enchiladas. However, when I went to make these, I realized I was out of red sauce. I also was “iced in” thanks to the large winter storm that went through our area. So, I was left with no other choice than to make my own sauce.

I started by heating up a tablespoon of canola oil and pressing two cloves of garlic into the pan. While that sauted, I prepped my “red” ingredients.

I put a can of crushed tomatoes, a can of diced tomatoes with green chiles, a few chopped roasted peppers, 1/4 cup of salsa, and 1/4 onion into the food processor.


I then pour the purred mixture into the pan of oil and garlic. I then add

  • 2 teaspoons of chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


Then, for depth of flavor with this beef dish, I added a can of beef stock and a few shakes of liquid smoke.

I let this cook on low for about 45 minutes. Stir occasionally, but this does not have to be a watched pot. Then transfer back to the food processor.

We want this to be as fine as possible. Transfer back to the pan and let simmer for a few more minutes.

While the sauce is simmering, I started the beef warm up.

I put about  2 cups worth of meat in a large skillet with a small can of green chilies. I chopped up the rest of the onion that was left from the sauce and threw into the meat as well as another 2 cloves of garlic, chopped.

Heat until onions are just translucent.

I then moved on to chopping up the rest of the filling for the enchiladas.

I chopped 4 green onions and about a half a can of black olives.

Now you are ready to start assembling. Start by pouring sauce to just cover the bottom of an 8 x 8 pan.

Dip your taco shells, corn or flour, in the sauces, coating completely. Fill with beef, olives, onions, and cheese. Really fill with whatever you like, but this what the PW does, so this what I did. Sorry for the lack of pictures, my hands were covered in sauce. And honestly, so were my husband’s hands. This is sort of a two person assembly line.

Once you have your pan filled, cover the enchiladas with remaining sauce and sprinkle with cheese.

I can get 4, 8″ tortillas shells filled with the beef mixture in my pan.

Back on 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

Top with cilantro, green onions, and sour cream. We had some left over olives, so we threw them on top too. It was fantastic. My kids asked for it the next night it was so good!

For the PW’s Simple Enchilada recipes, go here for a printable version. If you are ever in need of red enchilada sauce, I highly recommend this recipe.

What’s cooking this week at your house? Are you cooking up beef for your valentine? After all, it is I heart Beef month! Even if you aren’t making beef, link on up to Hunk of Meat Monday. Let folks know where they can find other meaty recipes too!


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  1. We are huge enchilada fans at our house! I usually just use hamburger but leftover beef roast is a great idea. Also your sauce looks AMAZING. Definitely trying this recipe. I just linked up our grilled steaks we just ate. So yummy!

  2. Hi Leah,
    These look like great Enchilada's we would need a platter of those…they looks very good. Thank you for sharing and hosting today.
    Happy Valentine!

  3. That looks wonderful. Could not find a linky so posted my link in previous comment. Hope everyone has a great week

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