Chicken Marsala

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Well, you know you have a busy schedule when you forget to do your Monday post and your blogger friends are asking where the link up is!! Well, I made an incredible chicken marsala this weekend and forgot to take pictures in my rush. So use your imagination!!

But if you like my Chicken Ravioli, you are gonna love this!

Chicken marsala in pot

My mom has been raving about her chicken marsala recipe. So, when I had our bible study group over at our house last night, I decided to make it with my favorite lasagna. Stouffer’s Frozen Lasagna from Sam’s Club.

Chicken marsala Stouffers lasagna

And my mom reminded me to buy Marsala wine. But of course I forgot. I present to you, Chicken Oliver Soft White Wine…

I am going to warn you, I don’t have exact measurements. It really just works to go with it. You know, that looks good mentality.

Start with a boneless, skinless chicken breasts or in my case I used tenderloins. Let’s people take smaller portions. Thinking of all my dieters;)

A whole pound or two of fresh mushrooms. Sliced of course. Chopped. However you want and as many or as little as you want.
A bottle of wine. The recipe calls for Marsala cooking wine. I of course used a soft white wine. You could use a soft red wine too. You don’t use the whole thing, but it isn’t like you can buy just a cup.
Then your goodies, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, shallots, garlic cloves, Parmesan cheese butter and olive oil.
Dredge chicken in about flour that has been seasoned with salt and pepper, Italian seasoning, and garlic powder. I then melt a couple pats of butter with a tablespoon or two of olive oil in a frying pan. Lightly sauté chopped up shallots and garlic in the butter/oil right before putting the chicken in. It should look similar to this color.
Chicken marsala chicken in a pot

Cook on both sides and transfer to a (greased or pammed)  baking dish. Big enough to hold the amount of chicken you are making. My mom really packs a lot of chicken in the pan, and tries to keep it single layered. I failed. I doubled it up.

Sauté mushrooms in lots of butter-add more butter if needed.  Then I add the leftover flour from browning the meet-the mushrooms and flour with be quite thick and sticky .  It calls for 2-3 tablespoons, but I used about 3/4 of a cup.  It makes the sauce nice and thick when the chicken is done baking. I add about a 1/4 of a cup of Parmesan cheese too.
Spoon/pour the mushrooms and flour mixture over the chicken, and I like a lot of mushrooms.
Cover with 1 cup of Marasala cooking wine or until chicken swims-it probably was more like 2 cups  or more until the chicken is almost covered.
Cover it with foil to bake. Baked at 350 for about an hour. Everyone’s oven is different.  Use your judgement.  If you used tenderloins, the chicken was probably almost cooked through when you put it in the pan.
I served with some buttered spaghetti. But I hear some restaurants don’t serve with pasta. Fairly certain my mom didn’t serve pasta. Wasted calories, that pasta is wasted calories. So, you bet, I ate it!

Want to share a meaty recipe? Link up and steal a few from others as well. Just let your readers know where to go to get some good, entrée recipes.

Chicken marsala recipe

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  1. Wasted calories?!? Come on now…give a carb lover a break ๐Ÿ˜‰ Just like you, I gots to have my pasta (and bread and cookies and cake… well you get the point)

  2. Chicken Marsala is one of my favorites. Your recipe looks great. Thank you for sharing and thank you for hosting. You have a good week.

  3. Sorry about the Hunk of meat. I tried to do the Blog hop and ended up on your blog really sorry Did get the Hunk of meat for my blog.
    Have a great day

  4. I loved the macaroni n cheese pictures:) Too cute! I hope to join in your blog hop next week. It sounds like fun. Come join me for Merry Merry Munchies and/or Crock Pot Wednesday.

  5. My first love is Jesusโ€ฆthen my wife of 45 yearsโ€ฆthen cooking. I really enjoyed looking over your blog. I love chicken fixed any way but

    Iโ€™ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.

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