Pepsi Pork Chops

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This week I am lucky enough to have a fellow Real Farmwife filling in for Hunk of Meat Monday. I bring you Sarah from This Farm Family’s Life. Be sure to check out her blog for other great recipes and learn a little bit about their farm and family. She’ll be talking about Pepsi Pork Chops.

Hello Beyer Beware readers! Leah has allowed me to do a guest post for Hunk of Meat Monday so today I am sharing a delicious and super easy recipe with you.

The husband and I, along with his parents, currently feed out about 150 head of beef cattle. We buy them as “feeder cattle” weighing about 500 pounds. Then we feed them until they reach about 1200 pounds and sell them as “fat cattle”. So, needless to say we are huge supporters of the meat industry.

However, today I am sharing a pork recipe with you! I bring you my Pepsi Pork Chops!

Pepsi pork chops

Start by combining the ketchup, Pepsi, onion flakes, and Italian seasoning.

Pepsi pork chop seasoning in a pot

Place pork chops in a greased baking pan and pour the mixture over the top.

Pepsi Pork chops in pan

Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. Enjoy!

Pepsi pork chops

This recipe can easily be cut in half. I always make a lot to feed my family of carnivores!

Do you have a go to meal to share with us this week?  Last week, I love these two recipes and they also got the most hits from all the Beyer Beware readers. Be sure to check them out.
Hunk of Meat Mondays

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  1. The pork chops look so good. Going on my list to try soon. Today I bring Surprise Meat Loaf. Thanks for guest hosting. Have a great week.

  2. Woo Hoo!
    I got on the stick and actually participated with a link up this week!
    (I'm reveling in the small successes this week!)

  3. These pork chops look wonderful, my hubby and kids will love these, sounds yummy! Great link up too thanks for hosting ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Hello – I found my way to your blog tonight looking for dinner ideas for the troops that I cook for. The mac/cheese pictured with your Pepsi Pork Chops looks delicious. Is that recipe in your blog archives? Thank you!

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