Hunk of Meat Monday: The Indian Hangover

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After two weeks in India, there are few things I am craving and they all involve beef and pork. The debate is on now on what to make first…

Italian Beef

After all, I have been eating dishes that are full of veggies and chicken. And just a little spice:)
old delhi meal
I can’t actually complain about the meal shown above. The butter chicken was fantastic. Here is an example.

So, what would you eat if you had been in India for two weeks with no access to beef or pork. Do share!!

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  1. For me it would have to be a toss up between a great steak and a greasy cheeseburger! Definately something with BEEF though! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Come visit and I'll grill you a steak first! Then a cheeseburger. Sorry for all that you have gone through in the past few weeks Leah. Miss you and hang in there!

  3. Well if i would come back from India going to Holland i would eat Kroketten and Frikandellen…. hehe..
    If i would come back from India to Indiana…. hmmm… Oh well, that is a hard one… Something Beef(y)!

    I hope you are doing alright, I have been thinking about you and lightning a little candle.

    Big hugs

  4. Leah
    I linked up with some Spaghetti and Red Sauce with Meat Balls! Comfort food for a recovering traveler.

  5. Ugh, you are reminding me of the week I spent in India for work. The Indian spices did not agree with me, so basically I ate a big breakfast at the hotel, since they had breakfast foods from all over the world, and then I just picked on Naan or rice the rest of the day.

  6. I've made your Italian Beef recipe (for the Philly Cheesesteak Sliders) for both my family and then my in laws – which includes 3 older siblings (all over the age of 17) – everyone LOVED them! I loved them. They were so good. I kind of crave that all the time, so I could only imagine that 2 weeks without beef would send you reeling right back to something that good ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you for hosting!

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