Just add more butter…advice from the PW!

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You know, I have a lot of women that I admire in my life. I have had strong women who have mentored me. Advised me. Cried with me. Drank with me. Got in trouble with me. OK, you get it. But, this whole blogging thing is really one woman’s fault. The PW’s.

Almost a year and a half ago, the Pioneer Woman, was a stranger. And then I got this wild itch to make cinnamon rolls. So, I did what every good cook does. Googled a recipe. And I landed on her page.

Just add more butter advice

As I was drooling over her cinnamon rolls, I glance over to the right side of the page and saw a box that stated, “5 things to know on a ranch.” Number 1: Prolapse. For all you folks who don’t know what a uterine prolapse is on a ranch, you may not want to click through. For those that do, you know how shocked I was to see a link to that next her cinnamon rolls. And that there was over 500 comments on the prolapse post really blew my mind. It struck me how powerful of a voice women could have by just blogging about the everyday things that happen to them. Many things like non-farm women, many not anything like that of our peers off the farm.

From that day on, I knew that farm women everywhere could have show the world through our own eyes just how we grow the food. And the birth of Beyer Beware and a whole love of other Farm Wives and Friends.

Just add more butter advice
Photo courtesy of Goodeness Gracious

Cris and I spent hours in my office reflecting on how we could get other women to have the voice that the PW has today. Hours on the phone at night. Hours emailing. Hours blogging. This woman has changed our lives. At least our blogging lives.

Well, this weekend, I got to be star struck with my mentor, blogger inspiration, farm sister.

Just add more butter advice

She kept joking about how she was so nervous she was sweating. I was thinking, you aren’t the only one!! I actually got called on for a question. If you want to hear me fall over myself you can go here.

She gave lots of advice. Three that stuck with me were:

  1. Just blog. Blog about whatever is going on. Don’t have a schedule. Just talk about what you want.
  2. For recipes, use your mommas. And just add more butter!
  3. Remember you just see what I get done. Amen sister, I needed to hear that.
So, then we waited…
Just add more butter advice

Caught up on our organic cannabis gardening techniques while we waited.

Just add more butter advice

Finally got called to stand in line. Almost there!!

Just add more butter advice
And then we could almost touch her.
Just add more butter advice

And then we gathered around.  We giggled about our little t-shirts we wanted to wear. We embarrassed our Dutch friend, Leontien. We then got serious.

Just add more butter advice
Photo courtesy of Gal in the Middle
We thanked Ree for giving us a voice. To showing us that we can just be us. For making farmers cool. Sexy. Funny. Dirty. Trustworthy.
While many on farms down play what Ree does for agriculture on her little blog, I am completely thankful. She has over 10 million visitors a month who get to see how a large working ranch looks. Sure she doesn’t talk about her farm on every blog, but who really wants to read about the day in and day out of a farm except farmers and those obsessed with farms. Plus, farmers have lives besides farming. We eat. We have children. We watch football. We shop. We travel. Hmmm, so do all the other people who don’t have farms to talk about.
So, Ree, tonight, I added a couple tablespoons of extra butter to my recipe just for you!
Thanks Sister!
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  1. Thanks for posting! and an even bigger thanks because in this pic i'm not looking down or have my eyes closed!!!! Whoohooo

    I really had a super time and i'm so blessed i met all of you girls!


  2. PW was one of the first blogs I started reading, too. Then I won a Smartypants quiz and was hooked for sure!!

    Love tha tyou got to meet her- and loved your tweets on your adventure!

  3. Oh man it looks like you all had a great time and I missed the first outing opportunity with you all. Oh well hopefully I can make the next one! It's was great to meet you at the State House too!! Love the picture of you and Cris!

  4. Great blog & great post!! I love seeing my friend Cris in all these awesome blogs!! I'm your newest follower & fellow Hoosier Momma! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Okay I'll admit. I am in tears. Tears for you, for bloggins, for farm women, for my anticipated road trip to thank PW myself in Great Falls, MT. I am grateful. This is a beautiful blog post Miss Leah. Love ya.

  6. Isn't it funny how non farm people find the humor in the things we pass by everday? Love that Ree brings that to so many people.

  7. Mwah! What a great time. I was so impressed by her humble and warm response to us.

    Thank heavens for cinnamon rolls… and butter!

  8. Well, I of course came to your blog from your comment on mine and I love it. I too am in love with PW and her cinnamon roll recipe. I make it as often as I can. I love farms. My husband's family farms and someday we hope to at least have a little farmstead if nothing else. I am enjoying reading your blog and the "Farmwives" blog too. Thanks again!

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