What a fat mommy needs to lose weight

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Yeah, I am sure a few of you are rolling your eyes at me. I know what you are thinking, “You are really going to try to lose weight and exercise on a regular basis, yeah right.” So….lets talk about what a fat mommy needs to lose weight.

I know. I can accept that. But, as I stare at the fact that my baby is going to kindergarten in the fall, I must stop blaming pregnancy for this extra weight I am carrying around. And I am not going to starve myself.

I. Must. Run.

But I have come to the realization that half the pain I am in from my new introduction to my Asics is because I can’t wear the same bra to run as I did when I was 17. Shocking. Truly.

eastbay linklink

And now I have officially spent more money on a “sports bra” than a pretty bra. A lot more. And my body thanks me. I can’t believe I was being so stupid.

Phase two of fixing stupid…stop showing off your cottage cheese thighs in those stupid little running shorts. I am scaring my children! So, I have a new stock of capris too.


Let’s face it, girls, it doesn’t feel good to have our thighs rub together in those skimpy shorts anyway. Plus they are expensive and you get about 30 cents worth of material. If I am going to fork out some change for clothes, I was some material!!

Now, I have no reason to not run especially since I have the treadmill in the basement in front of a 50 inch TV and about 40 magazines I haven’t read, I have no excuse to run.


Now, I just need continued motivation…


If you are in the market for some new workout clothes, head on over to Eastbay. They have some great promotions going on right now.




Affiliate links were used in this post. Opinions on products are all mine. After all, I am a fat mommy:)

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  1. I definitely could use sturdier, more thigh friendly exercise clothes. I won't call them running clothes, 'cause I'm pretty sure I won't run unless it's to or from a very motivational moment, but I do need to walk and maybe Zumba more than I have been. Thanks for the tips~!

  2. good luck! This fat mommy is doing it too! I agree, a good bra is crucial and I bought almost the same pants. I'm in my 6th week of cardio and 4th week of running and soon I'll want new running shoes. Hee, hee.I've never run in my life, but I know it's the only way to get the body I want. Ps. my only bio child is 13, and I can't seriously claim baby wait from my two adoptions, can I?

  3. oops. That would be baby "Weight" but I guess there is a pun in there somewhere with "wait".

  4. I'm rolling my eyes because you called yourself fat which is ridiculous, but I digress. I've started running and doing Zumba regularly. I can already tell a difference!

  5. Right there with you Leah….I have the new running shoes, now just need to get myself out the door!!


  6. My sister introduced me to the best sports bra for busty women – it is called moving comfort and I now own 3 of them. They are pricey but most sports bras do nothing for me, so I am willing to fork over some extra money.

    I need to really get motivated to work out more often – I haven’t had any kids so I can’t use that as an excuse! I don’t like to run – it is too hard on my knees but I need to use the elliptical more often. Maybe I will head to the gym now – thanks for the motivation!

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