What every backyard needs, a sand cage!

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A few years back we were at a friends birthday party when we found it. The perfect thing to keep the kids contained in the backyard. When you live in the country, among the land of tractors, you worry about your kids getting run over. It is actually probably one of my worst fears about living on a farm.

But, even if you don’t live on a farm, there are times that you need to be outside, cutting grass and the kids want to be also. You don’t want them to ride on the mower with you or just be randomly playing where they could walk off. So, I bring you…

The kid sand cage.

sand cage

It’s large. It has shade. It has lot of sand.

large shaded sand cage

It has fencing all the way around to keep the kids in and cats/varmint’s poop out.

sand cage

It can even be padlocked. However, you have to remember to put a lock on it.

sand cage

Because when someone wants out.

locked gate

There is way.

sand cage

They will figure out how to sneak away.

escape from the sand cage

Because the four year old can open the latch and escape.

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  1. It also solves that other problem of the sandbox in the country– random animals using it as a litter box. Great idea for keeping the sand–and the kids–safe.

  2. This is great! I love the shade, too… need to work on shade in our play area, central CA summers can get Hot!

  3. We need a sand cage at our house! I'm putting that on the Spring to do list…and not my to do list.
    Growing up the farm cats ALWAYS used our sand box as their litter box so I think it's so gross and I haven't gotten one for the girls yet! Great idea.

  4. Great idea! We've always used pea gravel b/c I'm not a big fan of sand in the clothes, hair, shoes, etc. and then in my house!!! BUT this does look like a summer of fun right here! Might have to think about it…

  5. Love that you imprison your kids! If only my parents had thought of that, my mom would have slept better.

  6. What a great idea to keep the kids safe!! Our youngest has started wondering down to the barn on his own and I don't approve one bit. Might have to get hubby on this ASAP.

  7. Hi there! Thanks for dropping by my blog yesterday and leaving a comment! Really appreciate it!

    This looks like a great place to play – safe except for those little fingers reaching around to get out! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. This is great idea for a Backyard Sandbox Called sand cage! I love the shade, too. sand cage. but please dont lock it up, funny that they make a way to open it ..Smart kids…

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